Mgr. Jan Smetana Ph.D.

CTO, Certified Geneticist

My experience

An active athlete and nature lover, I was drawn to genetics by my love of science fiction and a fascination with the possibilities of DNA sequencing and biotechnology—sparked in 1993 by reading what is now Michael Crichton’s legendary Jurassic Park. Although I have never managed to clone a Tyrannosaurus from paleo DNA, my passion for the DNA molecule continues to guide my professional life.

During my doctoral studies, I focused on uncovering the genetic background of multiple myeloma and spent a remarkable year at one of the world’s most prestigious leukemia research laboratories at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona. Later, I applied my knowledge and expertise to implement new technologies in genome analysis at places such as the IVF center Reprofit International, Spadia Lab, and IAB a.s., where I served as the project manager for ENIGMA CZ — the first project in the Czech Republic aimed at creating a digital map of the Czech population’s genome.

I participated as a co-investigator in several Ministry of Health (MZČR) grant projects in the fields of hemato-oncology and clinical genomics, and I am the first author or co-author of more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific publications.

I currently work as a research scientist at the Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology, where I oversee the Molecular Genetics course. In conjunction with the Faculty of Science at Masaryk University, I serve as the principal investigator of the MZČR grant project NU20-07-00145, which focuses on clarifying the genetic causes of neurodevelopmental disorders in children.